Ustaz Mad Rubaie

Jika kelmarin (Jumaat) giliran Ustaz Norazam pulang ke Malaysia, hari ini (Sabtu) Ustaz Mad Rubaie (bukan ejaan sebenar) pula pulang ke Thailand.

Katanya sudah dua malam tak cukup tidur kerana lambat beli barang untuk dibawa pulang. InsyaAllah, dia akan kembali hujung tahun ini.

Peperiksaan semakin menghampir. Dalam suasana yang demikian mendesak masih sempat menghitung kawan-kawan yang pulang. Siapa lagi ya selepas ini?

Teringin untuk belajar Bahasa Arab? | Ikuti perkembangan blog ini dengan cepat dan mudah! | Nak kahwin, tapi tak cukup duit? | Jika anda serius untuk menjaga kesihatan. | Saya perlukan undian anda!


  1. Dear Lord,
    today we pray for mothers--
    our own mothers, and mothers everywhere,
    who have made such a major contribution
    to the good qualities we have,
    sometimes through genetics,
    more often through great effort and patient instruction,
    and who have done their best
    to gently polish away our rough edges.

    Lord, please bless our mothers
    for the endless hours of time they spent
    and the boundless energy they invested in us.
    Bless our mothers for their sacrifices on our behalf
    as they often gave up or deferred their own dreams
    so that we could have ours.

    Bless our mothers for always being there for us,
    for being the person we know we can turn to
    when we need comfort, encouragement, or just a hug.

    Bless our mothers for making a home for us
    where we could feel safe, where we felt we belonged.

    Most of all, Lord,
    bless our mothers for their unconditional love,
    for loving us no matter what,
    and for frequently showing love
    in ways that make us feel valued and cherished.

    Lord, please bless our mothers mightily.
    Strengthen them, soothe them,
    wrap them in Your infinite love
    and shower them with blessings
    too numerous to count, too magnificent to describe.

    We love them, admire them, respect them,
    and we wish that You would give them back
    many times the good they gave to us.

    In Allah' name we pray; Amen.


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